Real Lies – Your Guiding Hand

If Real Lies pasts releases were signs that the London duo is ready to cement themselves as electronic-music legends, then ‘Your Guiding Hand’ does exactly that.

In a moment, the London duo appears set to board the train to their euphoric, late-night musings of the past, brushing shoulders once more with ‘Deeper’ and ‘World Peace’. Their breakout tracks welcomed the world into the Londoner’s state of mind, where clubbing isn’t just a weekend occurrence, but an act of cultural importance, a way of life under threat by the decultralisation of London highrises. Now on ‘Your Guiding Hand’, Real Lies guide you down darkened hallways into a deafening silence, broken by the heart-altering beat of relentless bass, a 21st-century Born Slippy’, ready to welcome you to the most surreal night of your life.

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