Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul – Blenda

Announcing their debut LP this week, Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul broke the news with their new single ‘Blenda’.

Credit: Camille Vivier

Never being one to shy away from direct discussions, with their previous track ‘Thank You’ focused on dealing with unwanted opinions, Charlotte Adigéry has an innate ability to present a full-on thesis in the form of electronic bangers. This time around, the duo take on colonialism and the averted eyes that European nations with colonial pasts still have. As a dose of ’80s nostalgia hits, channelled through crypto-vaporware beats, funnelled through the belly of light techno, Adigéry’s lyrics churn out the everyday micro-aggressions and aggressive verbal assaults that natives of immigrant descent face, as non-immigrant descending natives rebuke:

“Don’t sound like what I look like // Don’t look like what I sound like // Go back to your country where you belong // Siri can you tell me where I belong”

Adigéry explains that the song references how “I am a product of colonialism and I feel guilty for taking up space in a white country. [Blenda] talks about the colonial past and post-colonial present in the UK, but that isn’t merely a British or American problem, Belgium is part of that as well and oblivious to a big part of its history,” resulting “in general ignorance and a lack of understanding and empathy towards Belgian inhabitants of immigrant descent.”

“Topical Dancer”, is out March 4th 2022, on DEEWEE.

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