Fil Bo Riva – Head Sonata (Love Control)

Beginning as a solo project of frontman Fil, later collaborating with guitarist Felix A. Remm before eventually forming into a fully realised group, Fil Bo Riva is a true celebration of continental Europe indie.

Hailing from Rome, then spending his youth in Dublin and now residing in Berlin, Fil’s expansive background of living in major European cities shows expectedly in Fil Bo Riva’s music. Head Sonata, originally just a place holder for the track’s title, comes alive with this well-travelled energy, flirting with the coy, subdued energy of minimalistic pop, before traversing into a synth spiked, upbeat math rock, almost post-punk hit.

There’s a series of tidal shifts throughout, roaring with blazing guitars and crashing drums, then calming down with subtle synth hooks before the next uproar of Head Sonata’s chorus kicks in, making for an unstoppable pop anthen.

Fil Bo Riva’s first headling tour begins in April, carrying through to May, so if you’re anywhere in Germany or the rest of Europe, make sure you’ve got a ticket.

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